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Hi, Wolf Pack! Read on to learn about what is happening at school!


Upcoming Events

- TONIGHT! Wednesday, January 11 - Murray Middle School info session (6-7pm at SAP - see below for more info)

- Monday, January 16 - No School | Martin Luther King Day

- Wednesday, January 18 - Read-A-Thon ends - Bring reading logs and donations to school the next day, January 19th

- Thursday, January 26 - School Spirit Day - Wacky, Mismatch Day

Wear wacky or mixed up clothes, just for fun!

- Friday, January 27 - No School | Staff Development

- Save the Date: Tuesday, February 7, 5:30-7pm - Family Education Night - Zones of Regulation - More information to come!

- Save the Date: Saturday, February 25, 5:30pm - Luminary Festival - More information to come!



The 2023 Read-A-Thon is well underway, and we hope your kids are having fun diving into books! Hard copies of Read-A-Thon materials have gone home, but if you are in need of anything, you can find it online here:

The Read-A-Thon is both a fun, educational event, and an important fundraiser for our school. We usually exceed our reading and fundraising goals, and--with your help--we are hoping for another record-setting year this year! SAPSA helps fund everything from school materials to field trips and makes a big difference for our kids!

The Read-A-Thon goes through Wednesday, January 18. Please bring Reading Logs and donations to school the following day, Thursday, January 19. Sponsors can also donate any time online at:

One family of a first grader shared that their child had contacted grandparents in another state about the Read-A-Thon and asked about books they remembered from their childhood. They were even able to find a read aloud video of one of the books online to listen to together. If you have fun Read-A-Thon experiences to share, please write to us at

2nd Grade Field Trip to 'Physics Force' at U of M

On Monday, the second graders (and first graders in the 1/2 class) saw the astounding and educational 'Physics Force' show on the University of Minnesota campus. Thank you to Ms. Krider for sharing these photos with us!

SAP kids on campus!


SAP School Directory

The school directory is out! Huge thanks to SAP parent Beth Kary for her work on this big project. If you haven't received a copy of the directory, please check with your child's teacher.


Library Helpers

Library TA Suzanne Gural would greatly appreciate help reshelving books for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-noon. Please pick a time slot if you can help keep books organized for our kiddos.

Sign up HERE.


Tonight! Learn More About Murray Middle School - January 11 at 6:00 PM at SAP

RSVP and submit questions HERE: Murray also has many opportunities to visit and see their students and staff in action. See Murray tour and showcase dates here!


Every Meal is a free weekend food program!

Please contact Mr. Edwards if you have questions about the program:

Otherwise, you can learn more and sign up online. Information is available in English, Spanish, Somali, Hmong, Karen, Arabic, Amharic, and Pashto. Use the links below to find out more or to enroll.


More links

The SPPS COVID Policy is available HERE. Please don't forget to report any illness with COVID to SPPS.

School Spirit Wear can be purchased HERE.

Saint Paul Parks and Rec Activity Links for all ages:

Set up your AmazonSmile account to benefit SAPSA!


What's for lunch in January?

Heads up - there have been some departures from the published menus due to the snow days last week! The following menu may no longer be accurate.


Have a great week, Wolf Pack!

If you have suggestions for content or questions about anything in the Wolf Pack Press, please reach out to

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Welcome back, students! What a snowy start to the year! There's plenty happening - read on to learn how we're getting back in the swing of things.

Dexter hopes you're finding ways to enjoy the snow


Upcoming Events

- Monday, January 9 - Read-A-Thon kick-off

Get ready for a fun 10 days of reading!

- Tuesday, January 10 - Advisory Council Meeting (5pm, school library) and SAPSA Meeting (6:30pm, school library)

All are welcome!

- Wednesday, January 11 - Murray Middle School info session (6-7pm at SAP)

- Monday, January 16 - No School | Martin Luther King Day

- Thursday, January 26 - School Spirit Day - Wacky, Mismatch Day

Wear wacky or mixed up clothes, just for fun!

- Friday, January 27 - No School | Staff Development


SAP Tour Volunteers Needed

Help host SAP tours for prospective families during the month of January!

Please visit the link HERE for more information or to sign up. Feel free to contact or with any questions.


Library Helpers

Library TA Suzanne Gural would greatly appreciate help reshelving books for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-noon. Please pick a time slot if you can help keep books organized for our kiddos.

Sign up HERE.


Learn More About Murray Middle School - January 11 at 6:00 PM at SAP

RSVP and submit questions HERE: Murray also has many opportunities to visit and see their students and staff in action. See Murray tour and showcase dates here!


Winter Service Project - Ronald McDonald House

We're still collecting items for Ronald McDonald house, until the end of the week (Friday, Jan 6)! The most needed items are:

  • AA Batteries

  • Foaming Hand Soap

  • Heavy Duty 10” Paper Plates

  • 20 oz. Paper Bowls

  • Hot to-go Cups with Lids

  • Toilet Paper

  • Ziploc Bags

  • Tall Kitchen Drawstring Bags

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Liquid Dishwasher Soap

  • Juice Boxes

  • Shelf-stable Individual Meals

  • Fruit Cups

  • Beef/Turkey Sticks

  • Pop Tarts

  • Individual-sized Bags of Nuts

  • Microwave Popcorn

  • Soft Fruit Snacks

  • Chewy Granola Bars

There is a big box to collect items inside the front entrance of the school.


Lost & Found Update

Many thanks to SAP parent Kara Martin who organized and washed Lost & Found contents over break! Some items that were identified as having been in the Lost & Found for an extended period of time were pulled. We know that Fancy Day was right before break - please be assured that no fancy items or other recent additions were removed from the Lost & Found.

Keep labeling your kids' clothing items and checking the Lost & Found. Good luck to us all as we try to keep track of all the winter gear!


'Green Room' and 'Calm Kits'

Did you know that this year SAP has a 'Green Room,' dedicated to helping kids with social and emotional regulation? Teachers were also given 'Calm Kits' for use in every classroom. This is one example of the many things that SAPSA helps fund that benefits students and the entire school community.

School social worker Rachel Curtis provided us with a few photos from the 'Green Room.'


Artist Residencies

As you may have heard, SAPSA funds artist residencies for every grade level during each school year. Students work directly with artists to collaborate on a variety of amazing projects! Not even the snow could stop the 4th graders, who are currently working with Bart from 'Puppets with Bart' (formerly 'In the Heart of the Beast'). Bart demonstrated paper maché techniques on the e-learning day, so they would be ready to complete the next steps of their puppets as soon as they are back at school.

Bart and Seth from Puppets with Bart


Every Meal is a free weekend food program!

Please contact Mr. Edwards if you have questions about the program:

Otherwise, you can learn more and sign up online. Information is available in English, Spanish, Somali, Hmong, Karen, Arabic, Amharic, and Pashto. Use the links below to find out more or to enroll.


More links

The SPPS COVID Policy is available HERE.

School Spirit Wear can be purchased HERE.

Saint Paul Parks and Rec Activity Links for all ages:

Set up your AmazonSmile account to benefit SAPSA!


What's for lunch in January?


Have a great week, Wolf Pack!

If you have suggestions for content or questions about anything in the Wolf Pack Press, please reach out to

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Hello, Wolf Pack! Read on for information about the few busy days of school remaining this week, plus some info about the start of 2023.

We hope that you all have a fun and safe winter break, and that you get the chance to connect with people who are important to you!

Upcoming Events

- Tonight! Wednesday, December 14 - SAPSA meeting

6:30pm SAP School Library - If our usual Tuesday meetings don't fit your schedule, join us at this rare Wednesday meeting! We'd love to see you there. The agenda includes Principal's Update, Financial Update, Read-a-Thon, Spring Carnival, and more.

- Friday, December 16 - School Spirit Day, Fancy Day

Wear your fancy clothes to school, just for fun!

- December 19 - January 2 - No School | Winter Break

- Tuesday, January 3 - School resumes


SAP Tour Volunteers Needed

Help host SAP tours for prospective families during the month of January!

Please visit the link HERE for more information or to sign up. Feel free to contact or with any questions.


Learn More About Murray Middle School - January 11 at 6:00 PM at SAP

RSVP and submit questions HERE: Murray also has many opportunities to visit and see their students and staff in action. See Murray tour and showcase dates here!


Winter Service Project - Ronald McDonald House

Sometimes kids get sick, and they may live far from hospitals and clinics. When their families need a place to stay that is far from home, or in some cases just need an area to decompress, they can stay at the Ronald McDonald House or have time in a Ronald McDonald Family Room located within local hospitals.

"At the Ronald McDonald House, families can stay together, rest and recharge to remain strong for their child.”

Annually, many different families stay in the Ronald McDonald homes and enjoy home cooked meals and support from staff and volunteers. The Ronald McDonald House charity relies on donations for the basic necessities to support families. For this year's service project at Saint Anthony Park, we will be collecting donations (listed in order of need) to support the Ronald McDonald House chapter in the Twin Cities. This will allow families the ability to focus on their child, without the stress or worry of travel or basic needs. The most needed items are:

  • AA Batteries

  • Foaming Hand Soap

  • Heavy Duty 10” Paper Plates

  • 20 oz. Paper Bowls

  • Hot to-go Cups with Lids

  • Toilet Paper

  • Ziploc Bags

  • Tall Kitchen Drawstring Bags

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Liquid Dishwasher Soap

  • Juice Boxes

  • Shelf-stable Individual Meals

  • Fruit Cups

  • Beef/Turkey Sticks

  • Pop Tarts

  • Individual-sized Bags of Nuts

  • Microwave Popcorn

  • Soft Fruit Snacks

  • Chewy Granola Bars

Your child may want to help select an item to donate. Whether or not you donate items, this could also be an opportunity for discussion about many different topics--illness, how everyone needs support sometimes, ways that we care for each other, and more.

There is a big box to collect items in the front hall of the school. Please bring any items you wish to donate before winter break!


Lost & Found - Reminder

Try to grab your items from the very full Lost & Found before winter break! Since it is filling up so quickly, we may start emptying it at the end of each month, as needed, starting at the end of December.


School social worker, Rachel Curtis, shares content from the latest Nystrom & Associates School-Based Newsletter, this one on the subject of ADHD:

A great resource for understanding the an attention perspective experience of someone with ADHD is Planet Neurodivergent, an online blog and support space for the neurodivergent community. Here you can find many interesting and helpful articles that may give you a new perspective, such as this one.


Every Meal is a wonderful, free weekend food program!

Our school has far fewer students enrolled in Every Meal this year than we did last year. It's hard to imagine that fewer people have a need for this program, so we're trying to spread the word! Please don't hesitate to sign up if your family could use some extra food on weekends. A bag of shelf-stable food will be quietly placed in your child's backpack on the last day of every week. There's even a way to indicate your food preferences! Please contact Mr. Edwards if you have questions about the program:

Otherwise, you can learn more and sign up online. Information is available in English, Spanish, Somali, Hmong, Karen, Arabic, Amharic, and Pashto. Use the links below to find out more or to enroll.


More links

The SPPS COVID Policy is available HERE.

School Spirit Wear can be purchased HERE.

Saint Paul Parks and Rec Activity Links for all ages:

Set up your AmazonSmile account to benefit SAPSA!


Have a great winter break, Wolf Pack! See you next year!

If you have suggestions for content or questions about anything in the Wolf Pack Press, please reach out to

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