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Thank You

Last week was one for the books!

  • The annual plant sale brought in close to $14,000 in net sales and all but two baby plants managed to survive the wicked storm last Wednesday night. Thank you to Summer Martins, Anita Severt and Sarah Rouse Clark for their hard work planning and organizing the sale.

  • The school picnic was a delight. It was a real joy to enjoy lunch with the kids. A huge thank you to Sandy Ziegelmann and her team who provided a delicious (and nutritious!) lunch for kids and adults. It is no easy feat and we are so grateful for their hard work.

  • Our first Family Friday kicked off with coffee and donuts and pleasant company-n-conversation. Family Fridays will be continuing through the end of the year.

  • The Scholastic Book Fair raised $5,000 in Scholastic dollars which will support a variety of in-school projects in 2022-2023. The kids adore a chance to shop for books! Thank you to Julie MacGregor Farris for leading the fair every year. We are looking to train in someone who will be able to take over in the next year or so; please let us know if you are interested.

  • And the Spring Carnival was a much needed chance for kids to let loose! The weather was gorgeous, the prizes enviable, the beach ball giant and the games tricky. Due to generous sponsorships, adult raffle ticket sales and kick-backs from the food trucks, the entire thing cost us only $400. Kids were able to pass through the event for free which we hope relieved a little stress on families.

  • An enormous round of applause to Jenny McNattin, Jeff Standish, Alex Bollman, and Amy Raddatz for leading the food, races, games, and raffle with grace, humor and pluck amid a torrent of excited kids. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped set up, run races and games, serve food and help kids fill out their raffle tickets. Thank you to Andy McNattin for bringing in the hot dog truck and to our vendors Sweet Fruci, Got Rice? and Pigs Unlimited. And thank you to YOU all for your patience and good humor -- we are so glad that our new families finally know what all the fuss over festivals and carnivals is about for our school community. May the grand traditions continue.

But We Are Not Done Yet . . .

Friday, May 20th! This Friday will be a big day for our students and families. We kick off with Family Fridays, then the kids will do their Ninja Anywhere course! Then day will wrap up with the SAP Talent Show at Murray Middle School at 6PM.

Family Fridays will be happening every Friday morning until the end of the school year. Adults are welcome to accompany their students into the building, say hi to teachers and then convene out front for coffee and donuts. School doors open at 7:15AM and school starts at 7:30AM.

The much anticipated Ninja Anywhere event will be this Friday morning and starts promptly at 7:45AM. If you want to come by and catch your kid in action, you are entirely welcome to do so! Adults are asked to observe and let the kids run the course independently. Here is the schedule: 7:45AM is 3rd grade, 8:45AM is K, 9:45AM is 1st, 10:45AM is 5th, 11:45AM is 4th and 12:45PM is 2nd. Nearly everyone has signed or decided not to sign the waiver at this point. But in the off-chance you haven't:

Please join us for the SAP Elementary Talent Show Friday Night at 6PM at Murray Middle School.

School Budget Meeting, May 23rd at 5PM via Zoom

Our school budget is a very big deal. It determines the care and education our children will be receiving. Please carve out some time in your schedules to attend the Zoom meeting with Principal Karen Duke this coming Monday, May 23rd at 5PM.

Meeting ID: 819 9843 8374

Passcode: A6VnCt

Yearbooks are being printed and will arrive BEFORE the end of the school year! SAPSA is providing a copy for every student this year, but we ask that those of you who can chip in please do. You can do so here.

Field Day Volunteers on June 2nd & 3rd

Dear St. Anthony Park Families,

It is time to start thinking about Field Day! We have scheduled Field Days for June 2nd and 3rd.

K-2 will have their Field Day on Thursday, June 2nd, and 3-5th grades will have their Field Day on Friday, June 3rd. Both Field Days will be from 11AM to 1:50PM. All students will be participating in 11 game stations and relay races with their classroom. We will have traditional field day favorites like the sack race and the parachute. We will be playing water games where students can simply have fun with their class and get wet. We will also have many other races and games for the students to enjoy. It will be a fabulous day in the sun!

To make our Field Days a success, we will need many volunteers both days. Please send this back to let me know which day you would like to volunteer! Thank you so much for helping to make a memory for our students.

Karen Paulsen

Physical Education Teacher

What's For Lunch

What's For Breakfast

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Updated: May 9, 2022

Goodness! There is quite a bit to keep track of in the next few weeks as we get through this exciting last month of school.

This week's Wolf Pack Press is dedicated to helping you stay on top of it all.

We want you to be able to pull this up on your phone or when you are planning your week to have a one-stop spot to find all the bits and pieces in a single place. Here is a handy dandy chart with the bigger events and associated links to help you join meetings, volunteer, add some book fair money to your student's ewallet, make a donation, etc.








May 10

Plant Sale Presales Pick Up

Via Appt

Langford Park


May 10

Advisory Council



May 11 & 12

Plant Tent Sale


Langford Park


May 12

School Picnic

See below

Outside school


May 13

Family Friday / Masks optional but encouraged.


Park and walk your kiddos into school!

Note: the Book Fair will be open for sales in the morning.


May 13

School Carnival


Outside School


May 13

7:15-8:30AM and 5:30-8PM

School Library


May 17

5th Grade Wilderness Inquiry

School Hours

Field Trp


May 17

Talent Show Group Song Practice




May 17

SAPSA Monthly Meeting


School Library


May 20

Ninja Anywhere!

School Hours

Outside school


May 20

SAP Talent Show


Murray Middle School


May 30

Memorial Day

No School


June 2

5th Grade Celebration


Outside school

Thursday & Friday

June 2&3

Field Day (K-2 on Thursday, 3-5 on Friday)

School Hours

Outside school

School Picnic Times By Class on May 12th (Thursday)

What: A wonderful tradition - SAP School Spring Family Picnic!

When: Thursday, May 12 at students' lunch times (see schedule below)

Where: Join your student and their classmates for lunch in Langford Park - bring a chair or blanket, or just sit on the grass!

What: Bring your own lunch, or purchase school lunch for $4.00 (cash or credit card).


  • Hamburger on Bun OR Soybutter Sandwich

  • Cole Slaw

  • Potato Salad

  • Veggie Bar

  • Apple Slices

  • Sun Chips

  • Plain or Chocolate Milk

Ms Hella-Yelk (5th) - 10:00-10:30 Ms. Levine (5th) - 10:03-10:33 Ms. Chisholm (5th) - 10:06-10:36 Ms. Tennison (4th) - 10:09-10:39 Ms. Pratt (4th) - 10:12-10:42 Ms. Woods-Weisman (4th) - 10:15-10:45 Ms. Phillips (3rd) - 10:39-11:09 Mr. Funk (3rd) - 10:42-11:12 Ms. MacGregor (3rd) - 10:45-11:15 Ms. Hausman (3rd) - 10:48-11:18 Mr. Terrones (K) - 11:18-11:48

Ms. Austin (K) - 11:21-11:51 Ms. Lime (K) - 11:24-11:54 Mr. Crosby (K) -11:27-11:57 Ms. Koosmann (1st/2nd) - 11:30-12:00 Ms. Maas (1) - 11:54-12:24 Ms. Williams (1) - 11:57-12:27 Ms. Cariveau (1) - 12:00-12:30 Ms. Krider (2) - 12:03-12:33 Mr. Budin (2) - 12:06-12:36 Ms. Lee (2) - 12:09-12:39

We (Still) Need Volunteers

We are doing great filling up the volunteers spots needed for the busy month ahead. Thank you to everyone who is pitching in; your help is so appreciated.

That said, it is an absolute truth that many hands make light work, and we would love it if you would contribute your time and lighten the load. Thank you!

Plant Sale Volunteers (May 10-12, day)

Still need wagons on Tuesday, cashiers and clean-up on Thursday

We are very excited that the Jr ROTC from Como High School will be helping out at the Spring Carnival. Isn't that terrific? But we still really need several adult volunteers to help out with the raffle and and especially with clean-up.

Can't volunteer, but want to help? Sponsor a raffle basket:

Book Fair Volunteers (May 11-13, Various times)

Right now the greatest need for all three events is clean-up.

School Picnic Volunteers (May 12, 10-12)

Please click here to RSVP and you will be prompted to also volunteered! We are looking for two pairs of volunteers to help coordinate the sale of lunch tickets. Each pair will be stationed at the side door of the cafeteria, taking money and giving tickets to use in the lunch line. Lunch serving time will be from 10:00am-12:10pm and there are two volunteer shifts.


SAP Spring Carnival

The carnival is a week away! We would like to know how many folks will be eating dinner with us. As a reminder, we will have franks, chips, fruit and drinks on hand. Families are encouraged to bring a picnic or purchase food from food trucks at the event if they prefer.

Would you please fill out this quick survey so we can order the right amount of food? Thank you!


SAPSA Annual Plant Sale

Spring is finally here. Our annual plant sale is next Wednesday and Thursday at Langford Park from 8AM-7PM. Pick up your annuals, perennials, herbs and veggies for the growing season ahead AND support our wonderful school. Here is something new and exciting about this year: Master Gardeners will be at the sale to share their wisdom with customers on both afternoons.


Spring Carnival Raffle!

The spring carnival is just around the corner and we can't wait to have our community together at our amazing school. In addition to fun games, food, races and a children's raffle we will be having a raffle for the adults as well. Would you consider sponsoring a basket? It is one of the ways we are able to make this event free for the kiddos. Thank you so much.

Or if you would like to donate a tangible item(s) please contact Amy Raddatz at


Scholastic Book Fair

The SAP Scholastic Book Fair is back in action! Our presale is the morning of Friday May 13th from 7:15-8:30 am, and our sale is during the carnival inside the library from 5:00-8pm. That Friday is a “family Friday,” so feel free to come on in with your student. And hey! 50% of all book fair proceeds go directly to the school, which makes it a great choice for the greater good.

Don’t forget:

  • If you can’t make it to the fair (because you are so busy volunteering - wink, wink), you can order online at from May 5th through the 16th, and with any online orders SAP receives 50%. If you order online we can also deliver the books to your child’s classroom for an awesome surprise.

  • Don’t have cash or a check? Don’t want to send your student with cash on the day of the presale/carnival? You can set up an eWallet, a cashless payment for your student. Go to You can set an amount for your student to spend, and they only need to give us their name and teacher’s name. Any money left will be refunded to your card.

We can’t wait to see you there! Any questions? Contact Julie MacGregor Farris at Want to volunteer? Sign up here.


Upcoming Meetings

Advisory Council will meet via Zoom at 5pm on Tuesday, May 10th. Community info session on budget date/time will be determined at that meeting.

SAPSA Monthly Meeting will be in person at the school library at 7PM on Tuesday, May 17th.


Reminder: Ninja Anywhere Waivers

We need a signed waiver from every student at the school. Click and select "Adult and Minors" (blue button on bottom right) and "Private Event" for the event date:

It would be awesome to get everyone taken care of before the day of the event, so please do it straightaway! If you require translation or assistance signing the waiver, please reac

From Our Friends At Langford Park Rec Center

What's For Breakfast?

What's For Lunch?


May 10th Advisory Council Meeting at 5PM

May 10 Plant Sale Preorders

May 11-12th Plant Tent Sale

May 10-12th School Picnic (lunchtime)

May 13th Spring Carnival (outside) at 5-8PM

May 20th Ninja Anywhere (School day) Did you sign the waiver yet?

May 20th Talent Show (Evening, Murray Middle School) at 6PM

May 30th Memorial Day (No School)

June 2 Field Day (June 3 rain date)

June 2 Fifth Grade Celebration

June 7th Fifth Grade Celebration (RAIN DATE)

June 10th Last Day of School

July 31st – End of 2021-2022 Fiscal Year and Current Board Positions

August 1st – Start of 2022-2023 Fiscal Year and New Board Assume Positions

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May is shaping up to be a very exciting month at St. Anthony Park Elementary. Our students have so much to be proud of this far into the school year. We are sure you're very aware of the various ways in which your student has grown this year be it shoe-size, vocabulary or maturity. The weather is warming up, summer is near and it is time to celebrate their growth together! Here are some of the many events coming up in May: SAP Annual Plant Sale, School Picnic, Spring Carnival, Ninja Anywhere (in-school event), Talent Show and various field trips!

We would love your participation and need your help to make May a fantastic month of celebrating our school community. Would you please sign-up for a slot or slots to help us make these events run smoothly so we can maximize the fun for everyone? Thank you so dearly.

Click to see the volunteer sign-ups for each event! Hours volunteers are needed are below.

Plant Sale Volunteers (May 10-12, day)

Book Fair Volunteers (May 13, 5-9PM)

Got Talent?

SAP Talent Show is Friday, May 20th at 6PM at Murray Middle School.
All SAP Elementary students are invited to participate in this fun, community building event.

To sign up and give your student permission to participate, please click the link below to fill out the form no later than Monday, May 2nd. This is mandatory to participate!

All types of talents are welcome: singing, jokes, juggling, instrument playing, magic, dancing and so much more. Non-competitive auditions will be held during school hours the week of May 2nd (Wednesday and Thursday). We are also doing a group song which will rehearse May 17th from 2-3:30PM. You can do this in addition to a solo performance OR instead of a solo. Participation form must be filled out for solo and/or group song.

Questions? Contact Andy McNattin at Do you have any experience with stage/performances? Please consider helping out.

Coming Soon! Mark Your Calendars!

Reminder: Ninja Anywhere Waivers

We need a signed waiver from every student at the school. Click and select "Adult and Minors" (blue button on bottom right) and "Private Event" for the event date:

It would be awesome to get everyone taken care of before the day of the event, so please do it straightaway! If you require translation or assistance signing the waiver, please reach out to

From Our Friends At Langford Park Rec Center

What's For Lunch?

What's For Breakfast?


May 10th SAPSA & AC Meetings

May 10 Plant Sale Preorders

May 11-12th Plant Tent Sale

May 10-12th School Picnic (lunchtime)

May 13th Spring Carnival (outside) at 5-8PM

May 20th Ninja Anywhere (School day) Did you sign the waiver yet?

May 20th Talent Show (Evening, Murray Middle School) at 6PM

May 30th Memorial Day (No School)

June 2 Field Day (June 3 rain date)

June 2 Fifth Grade Celebration

June 7th Fifth Grade Celebration (RAIN DATE)

June 10th Last Day of School

July 31st – End of 2021-2022 Fiscal Year and Current Board Positions

August 1st – Start of 2022-2023 Fiscal Year and New Board Assume Positions

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