Greetings, Wolf Pack!
There is quite a bit going on this week at school with conferences and Science Fair. Most of you will be visiting the school in-person this week, and we hope you will use time in the school to do some of the following:
Donate. Bring any donations of full-sized toiletries like toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, liquid hand soap, bar soap, deodorant, razors and shaving cream for men, toothbrushes/toothpaste. These items will go to International Institute of MN and benefit newly arrived refugees settling into life in Minnesota. The collection box is located by the entry at school.
Find Stuff. Lost & Found is teeming, overflowing, packed to the gills, bursting at the seams, etc. Please build in five minutes to your visit during conferences to see if any of the items are yours.
Return Books. Please look through your books with your children to see if you have any school library books that should be returned.
We also have some immediate volunteer requests. Can you help?
Every Meal Distribution. We need two people to consistently commit to sort, organize, and deliver dry food bags discreetly to student's backpacks from 8:15am-9:15am each Friday school is in session. Please sign-up here: Also, we will need two people just this Thursday morning at the same times because there is no school Friday. If you can help this Thursday, please email Beth Davies (
Staff Room Stock-up. Thank you so much to everyone who has already signed-up to help stock up the staff room. There are still openings and we are happy to take items through Friday afternoon:
And Coming Soon:
No school this Friday
Science Fair Monday is Monday, March 28th
Plant Sale Presale begins Monday, March 28th
Last chance to donate toiletries as part of our service project is Friday, April 1st
No school Monday April 4 through Friday 8th for Spring Break
Digital Learning Day, Friday April 15th
Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing you around school this week,
St. Anthony Park School Association
Presale begins March, 28th. SAP Elementary School's Annual Plant Sale will be May 11th and 12. Pre-sale orders will be available on May 10th!
Support Our Young Scientists! Science Fair, Monday, March 28th
The St. Anthony Park Elementary Science Fair will take place on Monday, March 28th. Our 3rd-5th Grade students will be presenting their Science projects. 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Families are invited to attend the night of March 28th. K-2 students will be able to walk though during the day on Monday.
Service Opportunity: Welcome To Our New Neighbors!
The International Institute of MN is working to resettle more than 600 refugees to the Twin Cities this year, including at least 250 people who evacuated Afghanistan in early September. Over 200 have arrived in the past couple months. They need St. Anthony Park Elementary School’s help to provide toiletries to donate to families when they arrive. Your donations will go directly to welcome new families to Minnesota!
Please drop off donations in the collection box in the SAP school entry through April 1.
Full Size Toiletries Needed:
☐ Package of toilet paper
☐ Shampoo
☐ Conditioner
☐ Liquid hand soap (in pump dispenser)
☐ Bar soap for bathing
☐ Deodorant
☐ Razors and shaving cream for men
☐ Toothbrushes
☐ Toothpaste
*travel size toiletries are not preferred
Here are a few resources to talk to your kids about the refugee crisis:
• Go to and search "refugee" for excellent book lists for youth of all ages
• Go to the UN Refugee Agency:
• Go to and search "afghanistan"
The International Institute of MN, located just east of St. Anthony Park at 1694 Como Ave, has resettled more than 25,000 refugees to MN since the U.S. refugee resettlement program began in 1974. Questions? Reach out to or
We are now offering Every Meal (bags of food). If you are interested in having your child bring home a FREE bag of nonperishable food on the last day of every week, please open the link below to sign up.
To receive your first bag of food in mid-March
Click here for full details (in English, Somali, Hmong and Spanish)
You may also let your child’s teacher know, or email our school counselor, Megan Rinn, at
Lost & Found
Are these items your child's? Please pick them up during your trip to school this week for conferences!
Please follow and connect with us!
What's For Lunch?
What's For Breakfast?
March 23-24 Conferences 3-6PM
March 25th Conferences AM & PM (No School)
March 28th, SAP Science Fair
April 1st School Spirit Day (Pajama Day)
April 4-8th Spring Break (No school)
April 12th SAPSA & AC Meetings
April 15th Digital Learning Day
May 1st Board Nominee Deadline
May 10th SAPSA & AC Meetings
May 10th Board Elections
May 10-12th Plant Sale
May 13th Spring Carnival (outside)
May 20th Ninja Anywhere
May 30th Memorial Day (No School)
June 2 Fifth Grade Celebration
June 7th Fifth Grade Celebration (RAIN DATE)
June 10th Last Day of School
July 31st – End of 2021-2022 Fiscal Year and Current Board Positions
August 1st – Start of 2022-2023 Fiscal Year and New Board Assume Positions