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Teacher & Staff Support
If you have a need greater than your stipend amount, SAPSA is able to receive funding proposals from the school community. Our board can vote quickly on expenses less than $500. In years past, we have funded playground equipment, professional development seminars and classroom supplies. Please fill out this form for asks under $500
If you have a proposal for an expense over $500, the proposal must be presented at the next SAPSA meeting (the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm) and voted on at the meeting following, approximately a 2 month turnaround time. We recently approved funds to purchase a drying rack for the art room and supplies for sensory friendly self-regulation tools in classrooms and the Green Room. Please fill out this form for requests over $500 and contact the SAPSA president, Ronnie Santana, at to let him know you would like to be on the meeting agenda to discuss your fund request.
Teachers & Administrators
20 Classroom & 13 Other
$250 per person
$8,125 Total
Angel Fund
Discretionary emergency funding
5 Specialists
$500 per person
$2,500 Total
Field Trips
$1500 per grade
Administrator Fund
$875 shared fund
Enrichment Funding
Artist-In-Residence: $20,000
Destination Imagination: $1,000
EDL: $1,000
Patrols: $500
Running Club: $750
Wolf Ridge: $5,000
Library Books: $3000
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