Thank You, Mrs. Jeffers!
Today is Mrs. Jeffers last day at Saint Anthony Park Elementary. After thirty-five years dedicated to teaching, Mrs. Jeffers is retiring. We are so grateful for her warmth, joy, humor and kindness and her many years of service to our school community. We wish her the very best in the years to come and will miss her very, very, very much.
(Also, did you know her daughter runs a garden center near Nokomis? Check it out! Agrarian Seed and Garden. How cool!)
Reminder: There is no school this Friday, October 29th.
Upcoming No School Days
Friday, 10/29
Friday, 11/19
Thursday, 11/25
Friday, 11/26
Digital Learning Day:
Tuesday, 11/2
Election Day:
Tuesday, 11/2
Wednesday, 11/17 (3-6PM)
Thursday, 11/18 (3-6PM)
Friday, 11/19 (All day)
Thanksgiving Break:
Thursday, 11/25
Friday, 11/26
Reminder: Election Day is November 2nd / Next Tuesday is a Digital Learning Day
We urge you to vote next Tuesday. This year, Saint Paul residents will vote for Mayor and on a ballot question about limits on rent increases. We will also vote for several members of the St. Paul Public School Board which comes at a particularly sensitive time as board members prepare to vote on Envision SPPS. Here is some information to help you prepare to vote.
The Saint Paul School Board has seven members, each elected through a citywide vote. The board members are elected to four-year terms on a staggered basis. This November 2nd, Saint Paul voters will have the opportunity to fill four of the seven positions.
Candidates will be elected from two pools. In one pool, there are six candidates running to fill three of the four vacancies. The three top vote-getters will each serve a four year term.
In the other pool, there are two candidates running to fill one vacancy. The winner of this special election will be serving the remaining two years of a recently-vacated four year seat.
You can learn more about the candidates in a number of ways, and we have tried to consolidate many of the resources here. Early absentee voting is open now. Information about how to register and vote on or before election day is available here.
Saint Paul Board of Education At-large (three seats available, 4 year term)
Saint Paul Board of Education At-large Special Election (one seat available, serving the remaining 2 years of a vacated term)
Voter Guides:
Candidate forums:
Staff Spotlight!!!
Which SAP staff member loves pizza with everything on it and lives on a small farm in Wisconsin? She also spent one summer teaching in China! This teacher loves to visit Door County and comes from a big family. Any guesses? It’s Ms. Baerenwald, St. Anthony Park’s Speech/Language Pathologist! Ms. Baerenwald was recently interviewed by one of her students and you can learn more about her by reading the interview here.
Directories: Thank You & Sponsorship
Thank you to everyone who submitted directory information to be included in this year's student directory! Directories will be delivered to students (one per family) early next week.
We off-set the cost of the directories by offering sponsorship placements. Perhaps you have a business or service you would like to let the parents/guardians of 400 area students know about? Please let us know! The model is simple: $25 for a quarter page, $50 for a half page and $100 for a full page. Black and white only. Deadline this Friday. Please reach out to Nia Anderson at if you would like to book a sponsorship placement.
What's For Lunch?
What's For Breakfast?
Repeat Announcements
EDL (Extended Day Learning) Music Instructors Needed!
Ms. Weisman writes: Our St Anthony Park EDL after school program needs music instructors for our 4th and 5th graders in the after school program. The school district is short staffed, and we usually have a full band and strings program. We also have a school set of decent ukuleles as well! I am very flexible and musicians who would like to teach or teachers who play an instrument would all be welcome. The program is Tue and Thu 2-3:45. Usually students receive small group lessons. I am very eager to provide a musical choice, and I’m open to various ways to do this. The program runs from Oct 26 - May 26. Please email Ms. Weisman at
Dine Out Fundraising Coordinator
Do you know the best local spots to eat out? Do you enjoy trying new cuisine? With a light commitment you'll be a great fit to help SAPSA as a Dine Out Fundraising Coordinator! Call your favorite local restaurants and search chain restaurant websites to develop about 6-8 dine out (or take out) events over the course of the year. You will be the liaison on behalf of our school and in charge of booking the events. Please click here to sign up.
Service Project Team Leaders
We're looking for 2-3 Service Project Leads to work together as a team to identify organizations to partner with on service projects. Last year, we partnered with My Very Own Bed, St. Anthony Park Seniors and Project Reach. The team will create 2-3 service projects with a clear activity for the SAP Elementary Community and end date. They will also coordinate any necessary volunteer needs for each project.
If there are deliverables (like blankets or coats), have a plan to get items to the partner organization. This will require medium commitment with planning meetings and availability during events. It's a great way to get the SAP Elementary Community involved with the larger community and help those in need. Please click here to sign up.
SAPSA Board Positions For 2022-2023
Almost our entire board will finish serving out our terms this spring. Are you interested in community leadership? Do you enjoy communicating with other parents? Perhaps you are really good at planning events? Maybe you just want to meet people with children the same age as yours? Board positions that will be open: Vice President, Advisory Council Chair, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, Communications Chair, Treasurer. Elections will take place in April/May 2022. Please reach out to Amy Raddatz for more information or plan to attend a monthly SAPSA meeting to see what it's all about.