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Wolf Pack Press - April 26, 2023

Hello Wolfpack! We are finally starting to see some nicer weather out there which is perfect because we are only 2 and a half weeks from the Spring Carnival! We can't wait to see you all there for tons of fun together!


Upcoming Events

- Tonight! Wednesday, April 26th - Chipotle Dine Out Fundraiser 4-8pm

  • Chipotle address : 2720 Lincoln Dr, Roseville, MN 55113 (This is NOT the Chipotle by Rosedale)

  • Use this code in the Promo Code field when you order take-out online: 2P7AAAH

  • If you order at the restaurant, remember to tell them about the fundraiser when you order and before you pay

- Wednesday, April 26th - Wolf Ridge Informational Meeting 5:30pm - Meeting for 5th grade families in the school library

- Friday, April 28 -

Family Friday - Stop in at the cafeteria after drop-off on Friday to chat with other parents

and have a cup of coffee. Click Here to help us with snacks and set-up!

Spirit Day: Rainbow Day - Wear rainbow colors to school, for fun!

- Friday, May 12th - Spring Carnival at SAP 5-8pm

- May 16-18 - SAP Plant Sale at Langford Park

- Friday, May 19th - Talent Show, 6pm at Murray Middle School


2023 Annual Spring Carnival!

We are so excited to have fun at this year's Spring Carnival.

We are still in need of kids raffle donations and volunteers to help run the event. Check out the links below to see how you can help!

The Spring Carnival is an important fundraiser for SAPSA and the funds raised at the event this year will go directly to supporting the students of SAP.

Volunteer to Help during the Spring Carnival

We need volunteers to help with all aspects of the carnival from set-up, running games, face paint, raffle and much more. CLICK HERE to sign up!

Donate an item to be a prize for the kids' raffle

Click the link to see our amazon wishlist:

Also, as always, we're looking to conserve resources when possible by using what we already have. If you have any new toys or other items that you think could make a good raffle prize (similar to items on the raffle prize link above), please reach out to

- Donations can be dropped off at the SAP School Office now through May 9th


Family Friday is this week!

Sign up to lend a hand or bring an item HERE.

We'll also be selling Spirit Wear and Spring Carnival tickets. Buy your tickets early to skip the line at the carnival!

Talent Show - May 19th

The SAP Talent Show is such a heart warming event! It's so fun to see the creativity, talent, and enthusiasm - best of all is the way the kids encourage and cheer for each other, even when things don't go exactly as planned.

We are looking for volunteers to coordinate with Kelly Weeks, who is graciously taking the lead in making this year's talent show an entertaining and memorable event.

Sign up HERE!


Kindergarten and New Student Welcome Night

Please help us welcome incoming Kindergartners and their families! We are looking for 5 volunteers Thursday May 11th from 4:45pm -6pm. The duties would be to greet new families, show them around the building, direct them to special activities (kindergarten rooms, bus rides out front) and work the check-in table.

We could also use people that speak Somali, Spanish, Hmong, Mandarin, Afran Oromo or Turkish. Please list in the comment if you speak an additional language.

Sign up HERE!


2022/23 Yearbooks!

Yearbooks for the 2022-23 School Season are now available to order!

Click the link below to order your child's yearbook. Yearbooks will be delivered to SAP the last week of the school year

Do you have fun, candid pictures from this school year that you're willing to share? Email them to!


Library Helpers

SAP Library TA Suzanne Gural would greatly appreciate help with reshelving books for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-noon. Re-acquaint yourself with the Dewey decimal system. Please pick a time slot if you can help keep the books organized for our kiddos. Sign up here:


Staff Interview: Suzanne Gural

Ms. Suzanne: My name is Ms. Suzanne, and I’m here with Ridwan Said from Ms. Lee’s class, and he is going to interview me today, so we’re just going to get right to it! What’s your first question?

Ridwan: My first question is when did you work here as a librarian?

Ms. Suzanne: I started working here last September. I used to work at a different school, and I worked in the front office. I actually worked with Ms. Michele, who works in the front office here. We used to work together. And then she told me that there was a job opening here in the library, so I said, “Okay! I’ll come on over!” And here I am!

Ridwan: Do you have any pets?

Ms. Suzanne: I have two really fat cats, Marvin and Izzy, and they are 16 years old. They are old.

Ridwan: Do you have any kids?

Ms. Suzanne: I have two boys, and they are all grown up and they don’t live with me.

Ridwan: Do you have any cousins or sisters?

Ms. Suzanne: I have two sisters. One lives here and one lives in Mankato. And I have one brother that lives in Mankato. I’m the oldest of all of them. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

Ridwan: I only have one brother, and I have…..

Ms. Suzanne: He’s counting.

Ridwan: Yeah, I don’t really know how many, because I keep losing track.

Ms. Suzanne: There must be a lot!

Ridwan: There are…One was Ricwan, she’s the baby sister. Two is Suhaylah. You probably know her. She’s in kindergarten. She is six years old. She used to be five. Rihanna is third. She is fifteen. Rihanna came first. She was my first sister. My older brother Tariq, he was second-born. And Warda was the third. And I was the fourth, and my other sister Suhaylah was the fifth, and my other one was the sixth. And I have five sisters.

Ms. Suzanne: That’s a lot.

Ridwan: Oh yeah, I think either four or five.

Ms. Suzanne: Awesome! Awesome!

Ridwan: When did you think about being a librarian? Did you like reading books or writing?

Ms. Suzanne: I do love reading books. I love reading books. I read books all the time. My favorite thing is, I love cookbooks. I don’t cook a lot, but I like to read the recipes and look at the pictures. So I have a lot of cookbooks at home. I don't cook a lot, but I love to bake.

Ridwan: Really? What do you bake?

Ms. Suzanne: I love to bake cookies and muffins. My husband told me that I should sell them because he thinks they are really good! I think it's relaxing to mix up a batch of cookies and then share them with my friends and neighbors. Maybe some time I'll bring them to school.

Ridwan: Oooooooh.

Ms. Suzanne: Do you think that people will start asking me to bake cookies for them when they see this?

Ridwan: (laughs)

Ridwan: When you were a kid, did you not know how to read?

Ms. Suzanne: I did know how to read. I learned how to read, probably when I was in kindergarten, I think.

Ridwan: When I was in kindergarten and first grade, I couldn’t read.

Ms. Suzanne: When did you learn how to read?

Ridwan: When I was in second grade and when I started my tutoring at the library next to our house, and every Saturday. And that’s when I started to read. I get better every Saturday, and that’s how I’ve been reading a lot.

Ms. Suzanne: And you check out a lot of books in the library, so I know that you’re reading, because I see all the books that you’re getting. That’s awesome!

Ridwan: There’s a book called Bad Guys. There’s a movie of that. I just love the movie. I’ve finished it, like the whole thing, three times.

Ms. Suzanne: So did you read the book first or watch the movie first?

Ridwan: I watched the movie first, and then I saw the book, and I got it.

Ms. Suzanne: That’s great! You’re doing such a good job, Ridwan, all your reading. That’s awesome. All right, do you have any more questions?

Ridwan: Nope! How about you? Ms. Suzanne: I have just one. What do you think about school at St. Anthony Park? Ridwan: I love it!

Ms. Suzanne: You love it?!?!?

Ridwan: That’s why I’m probably going to stay here until sixth grade.

Ms. Suzanne: Until you’re all done?

Ridwan: Yup.

Ms. Suzanne: That’s awesome!

Ridwan: Because in sixth grade, you go to another school.

Ms. Suzanne: Great!

Ridwan: I wish when you were in sixth grade, you could still come here.

Ms. Suzanne: You could stay here?

Ridwan: Yeah, until you’re a grown up.

Ms. Suzanne: You must really love it.

Ridwan: I love it.

Ms. Suzanne: I love when I see you in the halls and you wave at me.

Ridwan: I love you, too!

Ms. Suzanne: Thanks so much! Ridwan: See ya!

Ms. Suzanne: Bye!


More links

The SPPS COVID Policy is available HERE. Please don't forget to report any illness with COVID to SPPS.

School Spirit Wear can be purchased HERE. For School Spirit hijabs, email

Tonight! Healing Through Movement Workshop led by staff from Healing Elements and Carpe Diem Yoga Studio Learn how families can practice breath and movement to reduce stress Wednesday April 26, 2023 6:30 - 7:30 pm Saint Anthony Park Branch Library Auditorium 2245 Como Avenue. St. Paul

FunLab is a free STEM-based activity for elementary age kids hosted by the public library. It's on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30pm, and you can find info HERE.

Saint Paul Parks and Rec Youth Sports - Did you know registration for kids age 9 and up is free? Registration dates vary by sport. More info HERE.


What's for lunch in April?

(May has not yet been published!)

We like breakfast too!


Have a great week, Wolf Pack!

Fantastic art spotted on the wall of the school! Let us know if you know the artist, so we can credit them in a future WPP.

If you have suggestions for content or questions about anything in the Wolf Pack Press, please reach out to

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