Luminary Walk & Fire Dance Performance
Saturday, February 26th at 6PM
Please RSVP here so we can estimate hot cocoa & snacks:
Volunteers Needed
We will need volunteers on the afternoon of the 26th to help create the luminary path. Do you think you can help? You can sign-up yourself or bring a buddy. Kid-sized buddies are great and will be entirely capable of helping with this afternoon project and are very welcome! The tasks are 90 and 60 minutes. Please sign-up here:
Would You Like To Make Some Luminaries?
Preparations are underway! Here are some ice luminaries we've made this week. These are made by pouring water into a bucket and leaving outside for several hours, depending on the temperature outside! The top and sides will freeze, but the bottom will not. When you flip over, water will pour out and you will be left with a frozen bowl like this! The trick is to catch them before they freeze completely. If you would like to make some for the event, we would welcome the additional luminaries. You can bring them over to the school forest on the afternoon of the 26th and leave them by the bases of the trees.
We are now offering Every Meal (bags of food). If you are interested in having your child bring home a FREE bag of nonperishable food on the last day of every week, please open the link below to sign up.
Register by Monday, 2/28 to receive your first bag of food in mid-March
Click here for full details (in English, Somali, Hmong and Spanish)
You may also let your child’s teacher know, or email our school counselor, Megan Rinn, at
Thank you!
Lost & Found
Are these items your child's? Please follow and connect with us! Your items will be identified and put into the laundry basket in the front office. And please label your child's clothes! It is the very best way to get your items back to you. Thanks!
What's For Lunch?
What's For Breakfast?
February 21st– Presidents’ Day (No School)
February 25th School Spirit Day (Hat Day)
February 26th St. Anthony Park Luminary Walk & Fire Performance
March 4th Conference Prep Day (No School)
March 8th SAPSA & AC Meetings
March 23-24 Conferences 3-6PM
March 25th Conferences AM & PM (No School)
April 1st School Spirit Day (Pajama Day)
April 4-8th Spring Break (No school)
April 12th SAPSA & AC Meetings
April 15th Digital Learning Day
May 1st Board Nominee Deadline
May 10th SAPSA & AC Meetings
May 10th Board Elections
May 10-12th Plant Sale
May 13th Spring Carnival (outside)
May 20th Ninja Anywhere
May 30th Memorial Day (No School)
June 2 Fifth Grade Celebration
June 7th Fifth Grade Celebration (RAIN DATE)
June 10th Last Day of School
July 31st – End of 2021-2022 Fiscal Year and Current Board Positions
August 1st – Start of 2022-2023 Fiscal Year and New Board Assume Positions