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Wolf Pack Press, February 23rd

Luminary Walk & Fire Dance Performance

Saturday, February 26th at 6PM

Please RSVP here so we can estimate hot cocoa & snacks:

Volunteers Needed

We will need volunteers on the afternoon of the 26th to help create the luminary path and get everything else ready. You can sign-up yourself or bring a buddy. Kid-sized buddies are great and will be entirely capable of helping with this afternoon project and are very welcome! We have also added a few items since last week. The tasks are 90 and 60 and 30minutes in length. We want everyone to be able to enjoy this event, so the slots are designed to give volunteers plenty of time with their families to stroll the luminaries. Please sign-up here:

Luminary Walk: What To Expect

The weather will be just about as perfect as we could hope for with temperatures hovering around 32 degrees! Just the right temperature to keep ice luminaries frozen, but human beings dressed warmly pretty comfortable. As just about anything to do with small kids, we think it is always good to know a few basic things before embarking on an adventure. Here are some things we think it will be helpful for you to know:

The Hope & Peace Oasis

  • When you arrive, there will be a table with paper and pencils. Students (and their entourages) can decorate or write a message to add to the giant jar in the heart of the Hope & Peace Oasis. The oasis is not yet on the map, but you will be able to discover it along the walk!

The Basics

  • Please dress warmly and put the kids in their boots and snow pants.

  • The school will be open for bathroom use only. Please have a mask handy since masks are required to enter all SPPS buildings.

  • We will have hand warmers, snacks and cocoa available. Let's all make sure everyone able to enjoy these treats before going back for seconds if they are available.

  • Please do not litter. Let's be nice to our park.

The Main Event

  • The walk through the luminaries will start around 6:05PM.

  • There will be a physical barrier in place to mark where our fire dancing friends will be working and to keep children from wandering into their space.

  • Embrace the Light will take the stage at 6:40PM.

  • The luminaries will be set up until 9PM for anyone who wants to stroll around with older children after the fire dancers are done being totally awesome.

How to get there:

  • Please consider walking if you are local.

  • If you will be driving, please consider parking a few blocks away so families with very small children or mobility challenges have an opportunity to park more closely to the event.

  • If you will be taking public transportation, the #3 and #87 buses arrive at Como & Raymond Aves every 30 minutes.

Would You Like To Make Some Ice Luminaries?

Preparations are still underway! Here are some ice luminaries we've made this week. These are made by pouring water into a bucket and leaving outside for several hours, depending on the temperature outside! The top and sides will freeze, but the bottom will not. When you flip over, water will pour out and you will be left with a frozen bowl like this! The trick is to catch them before they freeze completely. If you would like to make some for the event, we would welcome the additional luminaries. You can bring them over to the school forest on the afternoon of the 26th and leave them by the bases of the trees.

We are now offering Every Meal (bags of food). If you are interested in having your child bring home a FREE bag of nonperishable food on the last day of every week, please open the link below to sign up.

Register by Monday, 2/28 to receive your first bag of food in mid-March

You may also let your child’s teacher know, or email our school counselor, Megan Rinn, at

Lost & Found

Are these items your child's? Please follow and connect with us! Your items will be identified and put into the laundry basket in the front office. And please label your child's clothes! It is the very best way to get your items back to you. Thanks!

What's For Lunch?

What's For Breakfast?


February 25th School Spirit Day (Hat Day)

February 26th St. Anthony Park Luminary Walk & Fire Performance 5:30-7PM

March 4th Conference Prep Day (No School)

March 8th SAPSA & AC Meetings

March 23-24 Conferences 3-6PM

March 25th Conferences AM & PM (No School)

April 1st School Spirit Day (Pajama Day)

April 4-8th Spring Break (No school)

April 12th SAPSA & AC Meetings

April 15th Digital Learning Day

March 28th, SAP Science Fair

May 1st Board Nominee Deadline

May 10th SAPSA & AC Meetings

May 10th Board Elections

May 10-12th Plant Sale

May 13th Spring Carnival (outside)

May 20th Ninja Anywhere

May 30th Memorial Day (No School)

June 2 Fifth Grade Celebration

June 7th Fifth Grade Celebration (RAIN DATE)

June 10th Last Day of School

July 31st – End of 2021-2022 Fiscal Year and Current Board Positions

August 1st – Start of 2022-2023 Fiscal Year and New Board Assume Positions

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