Good things are happening at Saint Anthony Park Elementary!
Upcoming Events
- TODAY Wednesday, January 18 is the last day of the Read-A-Thon!
- TOMORROW Thursday, January 19 - Bring Read-A-Thon reading logs, sponsor sheets, and donations to school to turn in to your teacher
- Thursday, January 26 - School Spirit Day - Wacky, Mismatch Day
Wear wacky or mixed up clothes, just for fun!
- Friday, January 27 - No School | Staff Development
- Save the Date: Tuesday, February 7, 5:30-7pm - Family Education Night - Zones of Regulation - Scroll down for more info! RSVP here
- Save the Date: Saturday, February 25, 5:30pm - Luminary Festival - More information to come!
Today is the last day of the 2023 Read-A-Thon! Please count up your minutes, collect donations from sponsors, and turn in materials to your students' teachers tomorrow (or as soon as possible).
If you need additional copies of any materials related to the Read-A-Thon, you can find them online here:
Donations can also be made online at:
Our volunteer minute counters will be hard at work this weekend, figuring out which top-reading classes have earned pizza parties and whether or not the school has met the reading goal of 195,000 minutes! If we have, students will get to tape Dr. Duke to the wall next week!
The Read-A-Thon is both a fun, educational event, and an important fundraiser for our school. We usually exceed our reading and fundraising goals, and--with your help--we are hoping for another record-setting year this year! SAPSA helps fund everything from school materials to field trips and makes a big difference for our kids!
Winter Service Project - Ronald McDonald House
SAP students Hudson Rowley (2nd grade, Ms Lee) and Jayden Phipps (1st grade, Ms Mass) outside of Ronald McDonald House in St Paul
Thank you to everyone who had the chance to contribute to our supply drive for Ronald McDonald House Charities. We're so appreciative of SAP parents Danielle Lentsch and Nicole Lentsch for organizing this service project. Our community collected an impressive amount of snacks and household items to support the families at RMHC.
When Danielle, Nicole, Hudson, and Jayden dropped off items, they learned that up to 48 families can stay at this RMHC location to be near their children needing medical care in the cities. Families are able to stay there free of charge, thanks to donations from the community, like ours. RMHC even has a large school room staffed with teachers to help provide normalcy for siblings of the sick children. They are grateful for our support.
Our students dropping off donations from SAP families!
4th Grade Puppet Show
"Mom, what if you put in the Wolf Pack Press, 'All the 4th Graders in the School put on the BEST Puppet Show in the World?'" --excited SAP 1st grader, after the show
What if I did? It was wonderful!
Last Thursday, SAP had its first indoor all-school assembly since before the pandemic. Everyone gathered to watch the 4th graders put on an incredible show, with masks and puppets they constructed with artist in residence Bart Buch of Puppets with Bart. For two weeks, 4th graders worked with Bart daily to construct props, sets, masks, and giant puppets. This show had it all - laughter, dancing, live accordion music, danger, dragons, monsters, cats, Prince songs, gorillas, tacos... the list goes on and on! Each class performed an interpretation of one of the following books: Monsters Don’t Eat Broccoli' by Barbara Jean Hicks, 'Gorilla Loves Vanilla' by Chae Strathie, and 'Dragons Love Tacos' by Adam Rubin.
Artist residencies for students in all grades at SAP are funded by SAPSA. Thank you for your support!
Ms. Hausman's class performs "Monsters Don't Eat Broccoli"
Ms Pratt's class performs "Gorilla Loves Vanilla"
Ms. Tennison's class performs "Dragons Love Tacos"
Lost and Found Update
Many washed and organized items will be returning to the Lost & Found over the next few days, so please check it when you are able. Thank you again to SAP parent Cara Melvin! If she found your child's name in any items, you may have already received an email from her asking you to retrieve them from the Lost & Found.
Family Education Night - Zones of Regulation
Tuesday, February 7, 5:30-7pm at SAP - Adult Education: Using the Zones of Regulation at Home - Free pizza and childcare provided!
Would you like to learn more about the social-emotional and behavioral curriculum our school is using this year? Would you like to know more about the Zones of Regulation? Would you like ideas and resources to help support your student's wellbeing and social-emotional development?
Please join the SAP community and school staff for an evening of learning! We will hear from our school Social Worker and Counselors about the Zones of Regulation and ways you can use these tools to support your student at home. We will also have time for questions and answers and discussion in small groups. You will leave the evening with resources and materials to help you and your student!
Please RSVP by February 1st so that we can plan for space, food, and childcare. If you have any questions for the school counselors and social worker, you can enter them here as well!
Every Meal is a free weekend food program!
Please contact Mr. Edwards if you have questions about the program:
Otherwise, you can learn more and sign up online. Information is available in English, Spanish, Somali, Hmong, Karen, Arabic, Amharic, and Pashto. Use the links below to find out more or to enroll.
More links
The SPPS COVID Policy is available HERE. Please don't forget to report any illness with COVID to SPPS.
School Spirit Wear can be purchased HERE.
Saint Paul Parks and Rec Activity Links for all ages:
Preschool- Preschool Activities
Youth- Youth Activities
Adult- Adult Activities
Set up your AmazonSmile account to benefit SAPSA!
What's for lunch in January?
Have a great week, Wolf Pack!
If you have suggestions for content or questions about anything in the Wolf Pack Press, please reach out to