Hi, SAP community - Please read on for updates about the many events in the last weeks of the school year. We look forward to being together.
Dexter Junior appreciates our wonderful SAP teachers! Join him in showing them some love this Teacher Appreciation Week!
Upcoming Events
**Teacher Appreciation Week is this week!**
- Thursday, May 11th - Kindergarten Meet and Greet - more info below
**Please note that the Spring Carnival and Book Fair have been postponed! Now rescheduled for Friday, June 2**
As part of our fundraising efforts to support the school, the silent auction is already up and can be viewed HERE.
- Tuesday, May 16 - Advisory Council (5pm) and SAPSA meetings (6:30pm) in the SAP school library
- May 17-18 - SAP Plant Sale at Langford Park
- Thursday, May 18 - School Picnic - Join other SAP families and community members for a picnic in Langford Park at your student's lunch time.
- Friday, May 19th - Talent Show - 6pm at the Murray Middle School Auditorium
- Monday, May 29th - No School - Memorial Day
- Save the Dates! Field Day!
Thursday, June 1 for K-2nd grade
Friday, June 2 for 3rd-5th grades
- Friday, June 2 - New Date - Spring Carnival, Book Fair
Spring Carnival, Community Update --Sara Shepard, SAPSA Communications
The Spring Carnival and Book Fair have been postponed until Friday, June 2nd, as many in our community are grieving at this time. Coordinators will be reaching out to volunteers (thank you!) and rescheduling these events.
Kids may have different levels of awareness of what happened in our community. As previously mentioned, if you have concerns about your student or think they could use additional support, please reach out to Dr. Duke, the school social worker, or the counselors.
If you are looking for resources to guide talking to your kids about this or other difficult subjects, this article may be helpful: https://www.npr.org/2019/04/24/716704917/when-the-news-is-scary-what-to-say-to-kids
Please also take care of yourselves at this time. However we are experiencing this loss (deeply--as the loss of a friend, more broadly--feeling less safe, or so many other possible ways), I hope you are able to tend to it. Grief is carried not only in our hearts and our thoughts, but also in our bodies. It usually comes more naturally to kids, but we grown ups may need to make a conscious effort to move our bodies. Even writing this, I keep finding that I am holding my breath. Move, breathe, be together, be alone - take care of yourselves and each other.
If you would like to drop off a note, card, or anything else to express support for the impacted family, you can leave it in the box in the school office. We have also heard that there will be a community gathering and vigil this Friday night at 7pm at Langford Park, and we will share updates about that event as we receive them.
Talent Show - May 19th
Thank you to the volunteers who are already hard at work putting together the SAP Talent Show. Auditions were held this week, and it's all coming together!
Talent Show info : https://saptalentshow.wixsite.com/saptalentshow
It's still possible for your student to sign up for the Big Group Song!
Would your student like to participate in the Big Group Song? Maybe your child loves to sing and wants every opportunity to do so? Maybe your child wants to sing, but is just a little too shy to take solo stage? Maybe your child and their friend really want to sing together at the Talent Show, but haven’t had a chance to figure out an act?
Well, friends, that is where the Big Group Song comes in! We’ll gather a big group of students together across grades to sing our hearts out. This year, the kids will be singing Try Everything by Shakira from the movie Zootopia. All SAP kids are welcome to participate even if they are not doing an act in the Talent Show.
In order to participate kids will need four things:
Permission! Parent permission is also required for the Big Group Song. Please sign the e-permission form HERE.
Rehearsal! Children need to attend one or both of the rehearsals for the Big Group Song. This is mandatory. The rehearsals will be Tuesday, May 16th from 3-4 pm and Wednesday, May 17th from 2:15-3:15PM at school (exact location TBD).
Sound Check! Children need to arrive at Murray Middle School on the performance day (May 19) by 5:15PM for a sound check and rehearsal before the show starts.
Practice! Children can get started right away learning the song by singing along with this video: https://youtu.be/RUux3WL8ZJw
We are so excited to hear their voices singing out and filling up the auditorium!
Kindergarten and New Student Welcome Night
Please help us welcome incoming Kindergartners and their families tomorrow night! We could use a couple more volunteers Thursday, May 11th from 4:45pm - 6pm. The duties would be to greet new families, show them around the building, direct them to special activities (kindergarten rooms, bus rides out front), and work the check-in table.
It would be especially great to have people that speak Somali, Spanish, Hmong, Mandarin, Afran Oromo or Turkish. Please list in the comment if you speak an additional language!
Sign up HERE!
Plant Sale
Our beautiful plant sale is coming up next week! Spend some time outside, with other SAP families, helping the school. Sign up to volunteer HERE!
Library Helpers
SAP Library TA Suzanne Gural would greatly appreciate help with reshelving books for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-noon. Re-acquaint yourself with the Dewey decimal system. Please pick a time slot if you can help keep the books organized for our kiddos. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904044AACAA28ABFA7-library1
More links
The SPPS COVID Policy is available HERE. Please don't forget to report any illness with COVID to SPPS.
School Spirit Wear can be purchased HERE. For School Spirit hijabs, email communications@sapsamn.org
FunLab is a free STEM-based activity for elementary age kids hosted by the public library. It's on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30pm, and you can find info HERE.
Saint Paul Parks and Rec Youth Sports - Did you know registration for kids age 9 and up is free? Registration dates vary by sport. More info HERE.
What's for lunch in May?
We like breakfast too!
Have a great week, Wolf Pack!
If you have suggestions for content or questions about anything in the Wolf Pack Press, please reach out to communications@sapsamn.org