Give to the Max Day: November 18th!
Next Thursday is the big day. Starting at 12:01AM Minnesotans start the donation extravaganza, Give To the Max Day! We hope those of you who are able to make charitable donations will include SAPSA in your giving plan. All giving for the day goes through GiveMN's website. Our dedicated URL is
Each gift you make during Give to the Max enters you to win money for the causes you support! $500 Golden Tickets will be awarded each day during Early Giving (now through the 17th), and prizes will be awarded every 15 minutes during Give to the Max Day on November 18!
Our direct giving goal for 2021-2022 is $11,600. We expect a large portion of that to come from Give to the Max Day.
PLEASE NOTE: If you work for a large organization or corporation, your employer may have a corporate matching program. SAPSA (St. Anthony Park School Association, ID 411409751) is registered with Benevity. Benevity is the interface most corporations use for matching. You can check with your HR department or employee interface to inquire about matching at your workplace. If your employer does match funds, then we would kindly ask you give through that interface to maximize your donor potential rather than giving through GiveMN. Thanks!
Covid-19 Vaccines Now Available for Children Ages 5-11
Vaccines are now available for elementary school children from ages 5 to 11. Minnesota has set up a website dedicated to getting your child vaccinated clear and accessible. You can visit that website here:
Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) Vaccine Clinics for Ages 5-11:
SPPS is partnering with St Paul-Ramsey County Public Health to offer vaccine clinics to students ages 5-11 at Como Park Elementary (780 Wheelock Pkwy. W.) and Battle Creek Elementary (60 Ruth St. S.).
Como Park Elementary will hold a first-dose clinic on November 29 from 3-6 p.m. (November 15 & 22 are full already). Register here.
Battle Creek Elementary will hold first-dose clinics on November 23 and 30 from 3-6 p.m. (November 16th is full already). Register here.
Patients will receive a date for a second-dose vaccination during their first-dose appointment.
Pop-Up Clinic, On-Site Registration:
The Consulate of Mexico at 797 East 7th Street in Saint Paul (55106) will have pop-up clinics Wednesday afternoons on November 17, 24 and December 1, 8, 15, 22 from 2-6PM. No appointment necessary; on-site registration.
Other useful sites for vaccine availability (based on providers we know are already offering appointments or will be doing so imminently). All sites below offer free vaccinations and most locations are accessible by public transportation.
Mall of America Vaccination Clinic (check often, appointments open up based on dose availability.)
Health Partners (different days are available at different locations; you do not need to be a Health Partners patient to sign up for a vaccine)
Walgreens (check often, appointments open up based on dose availability)
This year's Spirit Wear features the return of our iconic wolf in celebration of SAPSA's 40th anniversary! For several of our items, you can customize your shirt color and size. Our current campaign closes on November 17th; if you order before the 17th, delivery is estimated by December 8th. Items ship directly to customers. While we may extend our campaign, this is your sure shot way to get these great vintage looks in time for the holidays. The store is here.
Envision SPPS
The School Board vote on Envision SPPS was slated for November 16th, but has been postponed to December 1st. Additional meetings will be happening in the lead up to the vote. This gives us all extra time to share our opinions with School Board members so they understand where their constituents stand on this major change to our school district. You can contact them here to tell them what you think about Envision.
Though SAP is not directly impacted by Envision SPPS, we have been avidly listening to the public sessions. During these sessions, teachers, families and students from impacted schools have been sharing their thoughts and feelings about the proposal. It has been moving and informative. If you would like to listen to recorded sessions, please visit this webpage. November 11th was the most recent public meeting with comments from fellow residents. Upcoming meetings are listed below.
Board of Education - Special Meeting on Nov. 15 at 5:30 p.m. Open to the public and also live streamed; no public comment Location: 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102
Board of Education - Regular Meeting on Nov. 16; public comment from 5:30-6 p.m., meeting starts at 6:05 p.m. Open to the public and also live streamed; see here for information on how to sign up for public comment Location: 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102 Board of Education - Public Hearing on Nov. 30 begins at 5:30 p.m. Sign-up upon arrival; time-limited comments; interpreters on site Location: 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102 Board of Education - Regular Meeting on Dec. 1 - Expected VOTE -- public comment from 5:30-6 p.m., meeting starts at 6:05 p.m. Open to the public and also live streamed; see here for information on how to sign up for public comment Location: 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102
Saint Paul Public Schools Sustainability Engagement Survey
Saint Paul Public Schools recognizes the need for action on conserving resources and protecting our environment. SPPS is currently taking great steps towards increasing energy conservation and efficiency. Energy use and many sustainability issues are tied closely to climate change, and we recognize this is important to our community. Sustainability requires collaboration and collective action. It is crucial to involve students, parents, staff, and community in the process of planning and implementing solutions to address climate change. It should take fewer than 10 minutes to complete this survey. Your responses will be used to help define what sustainability topics are important to the SPPS community and who is essential to be involved. Click here to begin. SAPSA & Advisory Council Meeting Notes & Minutes
We had a pair of spirited meetings this Tuesday night. Thanks to everyone who joined us.
Advisory Council (click for minutes)
Summary of Principal's Update:
SAP enrollment is currently at 479 students.
BinaxNOW rapid Covid tests are now available; simply ask for one from the school's health office! Testing will not happen on site; families may pick them up and test at home.
3M has donated HEPA filters for every class! This relieves SAPSA of purchasing filters for our first floor classrooms.
We had 5 cases of Covid in school in October and 1 so far in November
Conferences -- 397 signed up so far (survey was 50/50 as far as preference went for in person v online). Still need to sign-up? Please do so here.
During the meeting we brainstormed ideas for the School Choice Fair on Saturday, January 22 9AM-2PM and discussed the impact of School Board Elections, ARP (American Rescue Plan) Advisory Committee, Envision SPPS and the sustainability survey.
Oh! And we need students to interview teachers for the Wolf Pack Press! Sign 'em up! They can interview a current or former teacher, beloved staff member or even Dr. Duke!
SAPSA General Meeting (click for minutes)
We are recruiting for board leadership for the 2022-2023 school year. Open positions will be: Vice President, Secretary, Communications, Advisory Council Chair, Volunteer Coordinator, Treasurer. If you are interested running for a position, please contact Amy Raddatz at
Fundraising update:
Our bulb sale raised $2,600!
Sponsorships for the directory exceeded $700; our printing for the directory was $667 which means that for the second year in a row, we were able to use sponsors to completely cover the cost of the directory.
Give to the Max Day is Thursday the 18th.
Read-a-Thon Dates, January 10-21
Spirit Wear, active through November 18th for delivery by Dec 8 / flyer out with directories
We have had several windfalls this month! Though we approved $8,000 for HEPA filters for first floor classrooms in September, we will not need to make this purchase. 3M has stepped in to provide them. Isn't that fantastic? Also, we were considering a proposal for $4,300 for additional First Grade guided readers. But fortunately, Dr. Duke was able to contact the district and get them to give our students the last remaining set in the warehouse! How great is that?
The BinaxNow rapid kits are also a big win. SAPSA had been providing a modest number for the health office, but now they are widely available due SPPS receiving an allotment from the state.
Our big wonderful conversation of the evening was touch base about what we expect life to look like now that elementary school students can be vaccinated. General consensus is that we are comfortable congregating outside, but that only time will tell how the virus will influence district-level decisions about access to the building for non-students and staff. And so we focused on brainstorming some fun events for the new year including an outdoor Winter Festival which was great fun to imagine together. We will share more information including dates and volunteer opportunities as soon as they are solidified.
What's For Lunch?
What's For Breakfast?
Wednesday, 11/17 (3-6PM)
Thursday, 11/18 (3-6PM)
Friday, 11/19 (All day) -- NO SCHOOL THIS DAY
Thanksgiving Break:
Thursday, 11/25 -- NO SCHOOL THIS DAY
Friday, 11/26 -- NO SCHOOL THIS DAY