Elections! Saint Paul Public Schools Board of Education, Tuesday 11/2
On November 2nd, voters in Saint Paul will fill four of the seven seats on the Saint Paul Public Schools Board of Education. The school board is responsible for the care, management, and control of the school district. The League of Women Voters of Saint Paul is hosting a forum on Wednesday evening where you can learn more about the candidates and their plans and priorities. The forum will begin at 7pm and can be seen live on Channel 19 or via livestream on YouTube at this link: https://youtu.be/I5Rr_6cZjsU.
Please also note: Tuesday 11/2 is a Digital Learning Day!
Bulb Sale: Only Ten More Days!
We have raised $1,641 so far! We have a little over two weeks to hit our target of $5,000. Please share this link widely with your friends and family. Bulbs will ship directly to customers anywhere in the US! Click here.
Fundraisers like our bulb sale help fund materials for classrooms, field trips, teacher stipends, and numerous other enrichment opportunities for our students.
School Directories
Thank you to everyone who has already filled out their forms! We now have 310 out of around 500 responses. We will be sending out paper forms for anyone who needs to fill out their form that way, but digitally makes things much easier! Please fill out one form per child:
The St. Anthony Park Elementary School Directory (aka "the Buzzbook") is the main resource for student and teacher contact information. It includes class and staff lists, as well as SAPSA, Advisory Council and district contact information.
Every family will receive a copy. You are not required to submit your contact information for the directory, but we encourage you to do so! You may include as much or as little information as you choose. It’s a great way for the kids to connect with classmates and friends and for families to reach out to each other.
Your information will never be shared with or sold to 3rd parties. It will be included in the directory and used for occasional SAPSA communications.
What's For Lunch?
What's For Breakfast?
Calendar Notes
Please join us for our monthly meetings next week. We will share agendas next week.
Both meetings will be available via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7641657735
Advisory Council Monthly Meeting / Tuesday, October 12, 5:00 - 6:00 pm
SAPSA Monthly Meeting / Tuesday, October 12, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
No School Days Thursday, 10/21 Friday, 10/22 Friday, 10/29 Friday, 11/19 Thursday, 11/25 Friday, 11/26 Digital Learning Day Tuesday, 11/2 Election Day Tuesday, 11/2 Conferences Wednesday, 11/17 (3-6PM) Thursday, 11/18 (3-6PM) Friday, 11/19 (All day) Thanksgiving Break Thursday, 11/25 Friday, 11/26