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Peace Garden & School Clean-up: Saturday, September 25th, from 9:00AM-11:00AM

We need a team of 2-3 people to run our annual Read-a-thon, in which kids work on reading, reading, and more reading! The Read-a-thon team will set fund-raining goals, determine a theme (previous themes include the Olympics), coordinate scheduling with school staff, and send out instructions and materials to families.

Other duties will include tracking, accepting, and counting minutes (in and out of school), determining winners, and working on a special event with Dr. Duke to honor those winners. 


This event should be culturally sensitive and inclusive of the many non-English language dominant families in our school community. All communications must be translated in multiple languages. SAPSA will help you with translations and communications! 

Lunch Helpers

Coming soon!

We're looking for 2-3 Service Project Leads to work together as a team to identify organizations to partner with on service projects. Last year, we partnered with My Very Own Bed, St. Anthony Park Seniors and Project Reach. The team will create 2-3 service projects with a clear activity for the SAP Elementary Community and end date. They will also coordinate any necessary volunteer needs for each project.


Once projects are confirmed they will communicate the details to the SAP Elementary Community.


The SAPSA board and school staff/teachers will support you and help you bring the project to fruition and completion. All communications must be translated into multiple languages. Please submit your ad/flyer well in advance of the actual date so SAPSA board can work with translators.

If there are deliverables (like blankets or coats), have a plan to get items to the partner organization.


This will require medium commitment with planning meetings and availability during events. It's a great way to get the SAP Elementary Community involved with the larger comminuty and help those in need.

Can you write grants? Do you enjoy cold calling businesses? Do you have a special skill you think would help our school community? Please reach out to us!

Do you know the best local spots to eat out? Do you enjoy trying new cuisine? With a light commitment you'll be a great fit to help SAPSA as a Dine Out Fundraising Coordinator!


Call your favorite local restaurants and search chain restaurant websites to develop about 6-8 dine out (or take out) events over the course of the year.


You will be the liaison on behalf of our school and in charge of booking the events. Our SAPSA board will support you with advertising, flyers and eblasts to school once the dates are established. All communications must be translated into multiple languages. Please submit your ad/flyer well in advance of the actual date so SAPSA board can work with translators. 

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